03.12.2020 • 

In this activity, you will conduct online research about GMO foods. Find one or two credible, scientific references about GMO foods. Make sure these references give scientific information, not opinions.
Find an opinion article that takes a pro-GMO stance.
Find an opinion article that takes an anti-GMO stance.
Read both opinion articles and take notes on the points they raise. Cross-check the points the two articles raised with the scientific reference(s) you found. Then answer the following questions.

Part A
How would you describe the term “GMO food” to someone who’s never heard it before?

Part B
What bias did the authors who wrote the opinion articles demonstrate?

Part C
Based on the scientific sources you found, did you think one person’s points were more scientifically valid than the other’s?

Part D
On the Internet, many authors post opinion articles on scientific topics. What are the benefits and drawbacks of these opinion articles in regard to scientific discussion? Use your own research as an example.

Part E
State two questions you still have about GMO foods.

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