17.12.2019 • 

Instead of adding egf to otherwise normal cells expressing normal her1, you induce dna damage. you observe that atm activity is initially off, but rapidly increases and then becomes inactive again. you observe that the interaction between cfp-p21cip + yfp-cdk goes from fretoff to freton to fretoff. finally, the levels of t14 and y15 phosphorylated cdk remain low the entire time. which of the following most accurately pertains to these cells?

a. cells are in g1, activated the p53-independent dna damage checkpoint and repaired the damage.

b. cells activated the p53-independent dna damage checkpoint and repaired the damage. you can only determine they were not in g1 based on the information provided.

c. cells activated the p53-independent dna damage checkpoint and did not repair the damage. you cannot determine the cell cycle phase these cells were in based on the information provided

d. cells activated the p53-dependent dna damage checkpoint and repaired the damage. the cells were likely in g1, but you cannot determine this unambiguously based on the information provided

e. cells activated the p53-dependent dna damage checkpoint and did not repair the damage. you cannot determine the cell cycle phase these cells were in based on the information provided.

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