02.12.2021 • 

Instructions In this project you will record and analyze your daily consumption of all animal products and by-products in a single day. For one
entire day, record every product and food you use that contains animal products, whether they're consumed at home, In a restaurant,
or at school. Start with your shower in the morning. Check the label to see if your shampoo or conditioner contains animal products.
Record everything you eat and use throughout the day and how much you consume. Make a log or journal entry for every animal
product or by-product you have used, including Information about the time of day, the brand name of the product or menu item, and
amounts used. If you are not sure about a particular Ingredient in a commercial product, write it down and look it up for later
reference. You may be surprised by how many ingredients sound like chemicals but are in fact animal by-products. For example,
stearic acid, which is used in many soaps, is derived from the fatty acids of animals, as well as from plants.
When you're done, estimate how much money all of these products cost. If you don't know how much something costs, look it up
online. Of the total cost, what percentage was for food? How do you think your results compare with students in other countries? Were
you surprised by what and how much you used? Were there products that you didn't know contained animal products? In addition to
your food diary, answer these questions and give your reactions to this experiment in a three-page, typed, double-spaced essay.
Whether you use online or print sources, please remember to cite them in your paper.

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