21.04.2021 • 

L.16.10 – Biotechnology 1. Suspect identification for violent crimes is important in law enforcement. Biotechnology is used in evidence procedures and has helped to free wrongly convicted innocent people. Which biotechnology technique is often used in forensics?

A. fingerprint analysis from weapons and other crime scene objects

B. crime scene fiber comparison to carpets, clothing, and furniture

C. DNA manipulation to compare genetic samples from suspects and victims

D. microscopic tests on recovered bullets and ones from test firing of guns

2. The National Institute of Health was one government agency which coordinated The Human Genome Project, leading to the mapping of more than 20,000 genes of the human genome in 2003. Which of the following describes the main benefit of completing The Human Genome Project?

A. being able to clone humans

B. designing new human genes

C. patenting specific human genes

D. identifying genetically-based diseases

3. Consumer demand of certain popular fruits and vegetables has led to a decrease of individual food species. However, different versions of vegetables such as purple potatoes and striped tomatoes have become popular. Since genes for desirable characteristics can be added to plants, what genetic modification could lead to a drop in crop biodiversity?

A. shifting the food web by adding pesticide resistance genes and forcing insects to find new foods

B. increasing grain demand by improving vitamin content and cereal nutrition

C. inserting a gene to ripen produce during market transportation, changing harvest times and crop production

D. putting a salt tolerance gene into rice, increasing usable farm land previously flooded by ocean currents

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