28.07.2019 • 

Light bending as it passes through a rain drop is an example question 11 options: a.refraction b.transmission c.reflection d.diffraction question 12 (1 point) question 12 unsaved which of the following forms of electromagnetic waves is least dangerous to the human body? question 12 options: a.x-rays b.microwaves c.gamma rays d.ultraviolet rays question 13 (1 point) question 13 unsaved when would light travel the fastest? question 13 options: a.across a room a swimming pool c. through a railroad track d. through outer space question 14 (1 point) question 14 unsaved the waves that have shorter wavelengths than visible light are: (check all that apply) question 14 options: a. radio stations b.ultraviolet waves c.gamma rays d.mircowaves

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