02.09.2020 • 

Maggie's Plant Experiment In this exercise you will read the following scenario and identify the parts of the scientific method in it. Maggle read that some plants grow better if the soil is acidic. She can't believe that a plant can grow when exposed to acid. Maggle decides to test if the plants she has will grow better when acld is added to the soil. She puts potting soll in two planting containers and transplants two of her geraniums that seem about the same size into the pots. She puts the pots in the same location so that they both get the same sunlight each day, are at the same temperature and she makes sure they get the same amount of water. However, Maggie puts a tablespoon of vinegar in the water she gives to one of the plants. She measures the growth of the plants every week for five weeks and records the results in a data table below: Height of Plants in Container with Height of Plants in Container without Week Vinegar Vinegar (cm) (cm) 10.0 10.0 2 12.4 11.5 3 14.8 13.0 18.0 15.7 5 21.4 17.8

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