28.10.2020 • 

Maria's chemistry teacher asked the class to develop three solubility rules using solids as the solutes and water as the solvent Before Maria began experimenting, she stated the following hypothesis:
Raising the water temperature will increase the amount of solid that dissolves.
Maria tested four solids in different water temperatures. She stirred some of the samples if dissolving appeared to be proceeding
slowly. Maria graphed her results as seen above. She concluded that both increasing the water temperature and stirring increased the
amount of solute that dissolved. What would you say to Maria about her overall experiment?
Although Maria's hypothesis was appropriate for the problem, her
procedures were not. She should have also used different sized crystals of
Maria's hypothesis was appropriate for the problem and her procedure
tested her hypothesis. She should re-state her conclusion to match her
Although Maria's hypothesis was appropriate for the problem, her methods
were not. Her independent variable was temperature. She should not have
stirred the samples.
Maria's hypothesis was appropriate for the problem and her data supported
her hypothesis. She could reliably state that increasing temperature
increases the amount of solute dissolved.

Maria's chemistry teacher asked the class to develop three solubility rules using solids as the sol

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