20.02.2021 • 

Materials: A clean dry transparent glass jar (e.g., a jam bottle or a bigger bottle) Warm water Ice cubes Metal lid or a piece of metal (tray) to cover the mouth of the bottle.
steps :
Fill a jar with 2 inches (5 cm) of warm water and stir. Then light a match, blow it out and quickly drop it into the jar. Immediately place an ice-filled metal tray or metal lid with ice on rop. Observe what happened for a couple of minutes. Lift the metal lid off the mouth of the Jar and observe what happens.

(1) Why did you fill the jar with warm water and not cold water?

(2) What is the purpose of dropping a match that gives out smoke? What other materials can you use instead of a match?

(3) What is the purpose of placing a metal lid or tray with ice on top?

(4) What did you see inside the jar after a couple of minutes? Explain what happened inside the jar

(5) If the experiment were repeated.without a match producing smoke what would you expect to see? No thick cloud​

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