12.04.2020 • 

Muscle strain, or "pulling a muscle," may result from overuse injuries or from trauma. Typically muscle strain causes pain around the muscle with movement and with pressure. Predict which muscle or muscles may be strained if a patient complains of pain in each of the following locations: Medial Thigh Anterior Arm Posterior neck Lateral abdomen (the side) Posterolateral leg Lateral lumbar region of the back Expert Answer Anonymous's Avatar Anonymous answered thisWas this answer helpful? 5 0 991 answers Medial thigh pain is due to groin strain which is strain in any of one adductor muscle resulting pain in inner thigh. Anterior Arm pain is due to strain in muscles in deltoid muscle. Deltoid musle is present at the tip of shoulder and have 3 parts Anterior Deltoid, middle deltoid and Posterior is important in moving arm up, side etc. Posterior Neck pain is due to strain in muscles of neck semispinalis and multifidi. Often causes pain when head moved forward then backward and side. It is mainly occur due to withstanding standing head in a position e.g. reading, driving etc. Lateral abdomen pain is due to strain in abdominal oblique musles. Oblique abdominal musle are two muscle out of four abdominal muscles. Posterolateral leg pain is due to strain in gastrocnemius muscle.Muscle can be strained due to suddenly upward bending of foot upward and streching of muscle beyond its limits. Pain in lateral lumblur region is due to strain in muscles of lower back. The muscles are extenser, flexor and oblique muscles. Hide comments Comments Anonymous's Avatar Leave a comment Leave a comment Post comment Practice with similar questions Q: 1 Muscle strain, or "pulling a muscle," may result from overuse injuries or from trauma. Typically muscle strain causes pain around the muscle with movement and with pressure. Predict which muscle or muscles may be strained if a patient complains of pain in each of the following locations a Medial thigh b Anterior arm C Posterior neck d Lateral abdomen (the "side") e Posterolateral... A: See answer Up next for you in Anatomy and Physiology 6 How do a muscle's origin and insertion differ? Which of the following muscles extends the forearm at the … Solution Image See answer A stroke, caused by a clot in the blood vessel of the brain, may lead to a loss of function of certain muscles. Which motions would an individual be unable to perform if the following muscles lost function? Or ocular is oculus, sternoclei… See answer See more questions for subjects you study Questions viewed by other students Q: 5 A stroke, caused by a clot in a blood vessel of the brain, may lead to a loss of function of certain muscles. Which motions would an individual be unable to perform if the following muscles lost function? a Orbicularis oculi muscle b Sternocleidomastoid muscle c Gluteus maxi mus muscle A: See answer Q: 2 A stroke, caused by a clot in a blood vessel of the brain, may lead to a loss of function of certain muscles Which motions would an individual be unable to perform if the following muscles lost function? a Buccinator m b Latissimus dorsı m. c Biceps femors m 3 Predict the location, appearance, and function of the fiexor carpl radials longus muscle by looking ont longus muscle by... A: See answer 100% (4 ratings) Show more Post a question Answers from our experts for your tough homework questions

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