14.12.2020 • 

Nondisjunction is the failure of chromosones to seperate correctly during cell division. Nondisjucntion during meiosis violates Mendels Law of Segregation, producing gametes with an incorrect number of chromosones. The two types of nondisjunction during meiosis in females are shown in the image. The genetic contents of the zygotes that would result from the fertilization of each egg by a sperm are also shown.

For an organism with a haploid number of n=8, what percentage of the gametes resulting from a nondisjunction event of one chromosone pair during meiosis 1 will have only seven chromosones?

A: 25%
B: 50%
C: 75%
D: 0%

Nondisjunction is the failure of chromosones to seperate correctly during cell division. Nondisjucn

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