02.01.2021 • 

Objective or Goal: Create a food web based on a chosen ecosystem, with at least 3 food chains that interlock or connect. Create the food web separately on a chart, A3 paper or digitally.
1. You will prepare a food web for a selected region showing the connections of at least 12 organisms in that region. Some items may have more than one arrow coming to it or leaving from it. You can use pictures, print outs or drawings to show the connections between the organisms you selected. The possible regions or ecosystems you can select your organisms include: desert, grassland, tropical rainforest, ocean, freshwater, and the tundra.
2. Your selected region or ecosystem:
3. List the organisms you will use to make your food web:

4. From your food web write out 3 food chains and label each organism as either producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer. Use arrows to show the direction of energy from one item to the next.
5. Write the 3 food chains from your food web that you created

Help for my project plssssss

Objective or Goal: Create a food web based on a chosen ecosystem, with at least 3 food chains that

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