22.03.2021 • 

Part 2: Why is this information important? Understanding evolutionary relationships in animals has some implications for conservation and saving endangered species. Consider the story about Florida panthers

In 1995, the Florida panther was on the brink of extinction, there were only an estimated 30 panthers left and inbreeding has resulted in many genetic defects. Florida officials decided to save the animal by bringing to Florida eight Texas cougars. The move was not without criticism; the cougar and panther are not the same species and some argued that this wouldn’t save the panther, but would instead just create a new type of big cat. Recent studies suggest the program was a success, as it is now estimated that 200 panthers now roam Florida.

10. Climate change has scientists worried about the future of the polar bear. What lesson could we take from Florida’s effort to save the panther to apply to future conservation efforts with the polar bear?

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