26.10.2021 • 

Please help !! 100pts 1.
Which of the following best summarizes why the technological invention of microscopes was important to biology?
It created public interest and support for research.
It created a means of funding for cell research.
It allowed for development of the cell theory.
It proved that cells could form spontaneously.
Which of the following best compares the structures found in plant cells and animal cells?
Plant cells have rigid cell walls and do not contain mitochondria or ribosomes while animal cells do.
Plant cells contain rough endoplasmic reticulum and a Golgi apparatus while animal cells contain smooth endoplasmic reticulum surrounded by lysosomes.
Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts, cell walls, or a large central vacuole while plant cells do.
Animal cells contain cell walls and a large central vacuole while plant cells contain cell membranes and many small vacuoles.
Which equation describes what happens in photosynthesis?
CO2 + O2 + H20 + energy → CH2O5
6CO2 + 6H2O + energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
C6H12O6 + H20 → CO2 + energy
Early elements of the cell theory followed soon after the development of Hooke’s light microscope. What does this relationship suggest about the evolution of the cell theory since Hooke?
Progress on the cell theory was delayed by a lack of technological progress.
Scientists needed to focus less on cells and more on microscope development.
Isolated scientists contributed pieces of the cell theory to form the whole.
Improvements in technology are closely related to changes in the cell theory.
Oxygen is a product of photosynthesis. The primary role of this oxygen in cellular respiration is to
combine with lactate, forming pyruvate.
combine with carbon, forming CO2.
yield energy in the form of ATP as it is passed down the respiratory chain.
act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water.
Some proteins catalyze biochemical reactions. If a genetic defect prevented a protein catalyst from being produced, which of the following do you predict would happen in the cell?
The reverse reaction of the one the protein catalyzes would begin to proceed.
The reaction the protein catalyzes would only occur in some places in the cell.
The cell would find a different type of protein to catalyze the reaction.
The reaction the protein catalyzes would proceed very slowly or not at all.
Which statement best compares a eukaryote and a prokaryote?
Eukaryotes use active transport to move substances across the cell membrane, while prokaryotes use facilitated diffusion.
Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles, while prokaryotes have few specialized structures.
Eukaryotes use flagella to move themselves through substances, while prokaryotes are not able to move.
Eukaryotes have a cell wall, while prokaryotes have a cell membrane.
What are the reactants for cellular respiration?
H2O and O2
Glucose and O2
Glucose and CO2
H2O and CO2
Which of the following best compares the membranes found in different types of cells?
Animal cells have cell membranes and cell walls, but plant cells do not have cell membranes.
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both have cell membranes, but eukaryotes also have membrane-¬‐bound organelles.
Animal cells have membrane-¬‐bound organelles, while plant cells carry out the functions necessary for life in the cytoplasm.
Prokaryotes have only cell membranes, while eukaryotes have both cell walls and cell membranes.
Which of the following characteristics defines a cell as a eukaryote?
Having ribosomes
Being able to move
Having a nucleus
Being able to reproduce
Water has a much higher specific heat than most other covalent compounds. What do you predict might happen if water had a low specific heat instead?
Harmful organisms living in water would reproduce at a rapid rate.
Organisms that are sensitive to changes in temperature would die.
Flooding would occur and animals would be forced to migrate.
Plants would not have enough water to effectively carry out photosynthesis.
Which of the following best describes a result of the polar nature of water molecules?
Ionic compounds dissolve easily in water.
The volume of water decreases by nearly half when it is frozen.
Water molecules repel each other.
Water molecules repel most other substances.

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