29.04.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP Create a graphic organizer that identifies and describes the microbial growth phases (four) and factors (also four) that can impact growth of microbial populations. Be detailed in your descriptions, but do so in bullets and/or cells, rather than sentences and/or paragraphs.

Include an image of a growth curve (please create your own and insert the image into the document).

Your graphic organizer needs to be more than a picture of a growth curve. You may decide to do two separate tables, for example: one for the phases and one for the factors. You may decide to include examples and additional images to support descriptions. You should read both texts to get enough information. You only need to refer to the sections under the major subtitles “Generation Time” and “The Growth Curve” (which includes the minor subtitles of all four phases and “Sustaining Microbial Growth”).

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