23.04.2021 • 

PLEASE PLEASE HELPPP Biotechnology Activity
Now that you are more familiar with the benefits, risks, and impacts of biotechnology, it is time for you to take stand! Your task is to
choose one of the following types of biotechnology: genetic engineering, cloning, or artificial selection
You will then write a one-to two-paragraph summary describing your chosen type of biotechnology. You will then need to argue for either
the benefits or the risks of your chosen type Your arguments should present your position, and then give the evidence that led you to this
position. Be sure to include the following in your argument:
. a description of your chosen type of biotechnology (genetic engineering, cloning, or artificial section)
• one benefit or one risk for the individual (based on whether you are for or against it)
• one benefit or one risk for society (based on whether you are for or against it)
• one benefit or one risk for the environment (based on whether you are for or against it)
• A picture (you may hand draw, take photos in nature, or use stock images)
You may get creative on this activity. You may choose to create a brochure, write a letter or create a presentation using software. If you
are unsure if your idea or software for a presentation will work, contact your instructor for assistance. Be sure to review the grading rubric
before you begin

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