24.04.2021 • 

PLS HELP ME!!! 3. Set
up the simulation in the following manner.
a) On the Data tab, check all boxes except those of the red lionfish and the crown-of-thorns starfish.
b) Zoom out from the graph by clicking on the minus sign (–) on the right side of the graph. Continue clicking the minus sign until the graph shows 100 years on the x-axis.
c) On the Conditions tab, set the storm severity to 20%, ocean temperature to 27°C, and ocean pH to 7.6.
d) Run the simulation.
e) Take a snapshot of your graph, and then copy and paste it into the space below.

4. Based on the results from Question 3, answer the questions below.
a) Did the results match your expectations? Use data from the table to support your answer.
b) What conclusion can you make about the relationship between the pH and the biodiversity of the coral reef ecosystem in the simulation?
c) How is the simulation limited in its ability to model how the ocean’s pH affects biodiversity in this ecosystem?
d) How would you revise the simulation so users can evaluate the role of human activity in the pH of the ocean?
e) What variables would you add to or change in the simulation to accomplish this?

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