28.06.2023 • 
Society and Politics

Skoptsy: Who They Are and How They Perform Castration?


When we talk about the Skoptsy, we are referring to a religious sect that emerged in Russia in the 18th century. Their practices were based on extreme asceticism and utopian ideas, which included castration of males as a way to achieve spiritual perfection and rise above the sin of lust. In this article, we will explore who the Skoptsy were, what their religious beliefs were, and how they performed castration.

Who Were the Skoptsy?

The Skoptsy were a sect of the Old Believers, a Russian Orthodox schism that emerged in the 17th century after the reforms of Patriarch Nikon. The Skoptsy came to be known for their radical religious practices, which included strict fasting and self-flagellation. However, what set them apart from other religious groups was their belief that castration was necessary to achieve spiritual purity. The Skoptsy believed that the sin of lust was the root of all evil and that by removing the source of temptation, they could achieve union with God and enter into a state of perpetual ecstasy. They believed that castration would not only grant them spiritual perfection but also physical immortality, as they would no longer be subject to death.

Skoptsy’s Religious Beliefs

The Skoptsy were deeply committed to their religious beliefs, which revolved around the idea of sexual abstinence as a means to achieve spiritual purity. They believed that the sin of lust was the source of all evil and that it could only be overcome by castration. The sect believed in the existence of a "perfect man," who was free from sin and embodied the qualities of Christ. They perceived castration as a way to become like the perfect man.

How Did the Skoptsy Perform Castration?

Castration was central to the Skoptsy's belief system. They believed that it was only after castration that they could experience pure spirituality and join the "perfect man." The Skoptsy had developed different methods of castration, but the most common was the bloodless, or "dry" method. This method involved using a clamp to crush the testicles and then cutting them off. The Skoptsy's method of castration was not only barbaric but also extremely dangerous. Many of those who underwent the procedure died from infection, hemorrhage, or shock.

Persecution of the Skoptsy

The Skoptsy faced severe persecution from the Russian government, which saw their practices as a threat to the social order. Under Catherine the Great, the Skoptsy were outlawed, and many were sent to prison or exiled to Siberia. Despite this, the sect continued to exist underground, and their beliefs and practices persisted well into the 20th century.


The Skoptsy were a radical religious sect that emerged in Russia in the 18th century. They believed in castration as a means to achieve spiritual purity and physical immortality. The sect faced severe persecution from the Russian government but continued to exist underground for centuries. Today, the Skoptsy have all but disappeared, but their legacy remains a grim reminder of the dangers of religious extremism.
  1. Who were the Skoptsy?
  2. What were the Skoptsy's religious beliefs?
  3. How did the Skoptsy perform castration?
  4. What were the consequences of the Skoptsy's practices?
  5. What was the fate of the Skoptsy?


1. Why did the Skoptsy believe in castration to achieve spiritual purity? 2. Did all Skoptsy undergo castration, or was it optional? 3. Were there any female Skoptsy, and if so, were they also subjected to genital mutilation? 4. Did the Skoptsy's practices have any influence on Russian culture? 5. Are there any surviving Skoptsy today, and do they still practice castration?

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