19.02.2021 • 

Punnet Squares 25 pointss make a punnet square and please help with the following questions

1. An albino man marries a normally pigmented woman who had an albino mother. Albinism is recessive. Show the types of children this couple might have and the proportion of each. Make the punnett square. Include the Genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.

2. Tall peas are dominant over dwarf peas. If a heterozygous pea plant were self-fertilized and produced 30 dwarf offspring, how many tall offspring might it also have produced? Make the punnett square. Include the Genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.

3. Mating a normal (long) winged with a vestigial (short) winged fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) yields all normal (long) winged offspring. If one of these normal winged offspring is mated to its vestigial winged parent and they produce 60 offspring, how many of these should be normal winged? Make the punnett square showing the F2 offspring. Include the Genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.

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