22.11.2019 • 

Question 4

what is the life cycle of a massive star?

giant, dwarf, black hole

black hole, dwarf, giant

dwarf, black hole, giant

dwarf, giant, black hole

question 5

i am an astronomical body; i have my own gravity, and things orbit around me, but i do not produce energy through fusion. what am i?

a star

a galaxy

a planet

an asteroid

question 6

i am made of rock, iron, ice, and gas. when i get too close to the sun, the gas leaves a trail of dust and debris behind me. what am i?

a comet

a meteor

an asteroid

a moon

question 7

what are light-years used to measure?


short distances

far distances

light intensity

question 8

what do scientists use to look at astronomical bodies?

optical telescopes

radio telescopes

gamma telescopes


question 9

what was one of the inventions galileo galilei was famous for?

the microscope

the telescope

the rocket

the airplane

question 10

which of the following statements about telescopes is false?

the prefix "tele-" means "far."

radio telescopes scientists hear noise from outer space.

gamma ray telescopes are the most widely used telescopes in astronomy.

optical telescopes use curved elements like mirrors to focus visible light from the electromagnetic spectrum.

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