30.03.2020 • 

Read the paragraph from the section “Limb Structures.” These bone structures may be very similar in different species; however, the functions of these structures can be very different. Limbs can be used for flying, swimming or walking. Humans use their arms for many tasks. These functions evolved through natural selection over millions of years. Natural selection is an idea about the way living things have developed. It says that creatures with useful traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. When they reproduce, they pass their useful traits on to their offspring. Which of the following is an accurate explanation of what this paragraph means? A Homologous structures can be used for many different purposes and are passed down through genetic material. B Homologous structures help animals survive and spread their genes to the next generation. C Homologous structures are found in animals that live in similar environments even if the limbs are very different. D Homologous structures are only found in mammals and animals that live on land.

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