29.10.2020 • 

Restaurant Special: Michigan 1. Compare and contrast the restaurants you saw in this video. Include type of restaurant, type of food, history, and any other relevant similarities and differences.
2. How does After 26 Depot serve its community? What are some other ways a restaurant could give back to its community?
3. If you could work at any restaurant you saw in this video, which one would you pick? Explain your reasoning.
4. Choose one of the six restaurants and describe how history and culture affects the food that is served.
5. Imagine you could open a restaurant. Describe the restaurant you would create and in what ways culture and/or history might impact the atmosphere, food, or other aspects of the business.
6. Letter to My Future Self
Instructions: Imagine you visit a fortune teller and she tells you that you will have a successful career in the culinary arts or food service industry. Write a letter to your future self, reminding yourself to strike a harmonious balance between your work and the other things that are important to you. Identify at least three things besides your career you want to devote energy to, explain why these things are important, and identify some strategies for ensuring you give them adequate attention, even when you’re busy at the restaurant.

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