19.08.2020 • 

Scientists at Tropicana want to create an orange juice that is proven to help fight off common respiratory issues such as the common cold or sinus infections. They've come up with a Vitamin C rich formula they think will work, and it's now ready for human testing. They recruit 1000 participants who have a similar history of respiratory issues and are about the same age. They instruct 500 participants to drink a glass of the new orange juice each morning and instruct the other 500 participants to drink a glass of regular orange juice each morning. The participants do not know which of the two juices they are drinking. Scientists collect the participants feedback on respiratory issues over the course of a year. It was found that 55% of the experimental group reported 0-2 respiratory issues, while only 23% of the control group reported 0-2 respiratory issues over the course of the year. They concluded that the new orange juice may be helpful in fighting off respiratory issues but further testing will need to be conducted.

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