19.05.2021 • 

Slide 3: On this slide, describe the design plan you and your team are recommending. Save your presentation before moving on to the next slide. You may use text and bullet points to describe your plan.

You should also feel free to use images. You can create your own images with presentation tools or you can use clip art images. If you use images from websites, be sure you provide the URL you obtained the image from.

This is how to find your design plan:

Finally, examine your ideas in terms of how they provide social value to the citizens of Diversitopia. Be sure that you and your team are considering the various ways that humans interact with their environment. Use these questions to help you evaluate the social benefit of your project:

Does this idea include a space for humans to gather with one another?

Does this idea include a space where humans can go to view and appreciate nature?

Will the proposal be considered pleasing for humans to look at?

Are there any negatives to this project? Such as increased traffic, increased pollution, or strange smells?

Is the proposal unique enough that it is something the city could market to promote tourism?

Use the space on your Student Guide Worksheet to record your group’s top three ideas that are the most pleasing for the citizens of Diversitopia.

Now that you and your team members have evaluated the design options from multiple perspectives, select a single design plan that you all agree provides the best overall benefits to the city.

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