12.02.2021 • 

Smurfette’s aunt, who is a yellow body smurf, has a cute stubby nose. She has finally found the smurf of her dreams and is ready to settle down. Her fiancé always comments on how adorable her nose is (he says it reminds him of his mother’s – aww, how sweet!). They wonder what the chances are of that trait being passed on. Her fiancé is a purebred blue body and has purebred long nose. Blue body and a long nose are dominant. Identify the genotypes of the aunt and her fiancé.
Aunt – yellow body, Stubby Nose =
Fiancé – Purebred blue body, Long Nose =
What are the possible gamete combinations for each person?
Aunt – Fiancé –
What are the possible phenotypes for their children?

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