20.11.2019 • 

Suppose that the four species of finches shown at the top of the picture above, are all released onto an island in the middle of the ocean. the only species of plant is the betel palm, shown below. the betel palm produces large nuts with a tough outer husk. according to the law of natural selection, which species of finch probably has the greatest chance to survive over the long term?
a) finch species 2
b) finch species 3
c) finch species 4
d) finch species 1
what did charles darwin mean when he stated that some organisms were 'more fit' than other organisms?
a) some organisms were heavier and stronger
b) some organisms were more likely to reproduce
c) not all organisms had the same natural life span
d) not all organisms were equally suited to gathering food
despite their differences in appearance, all bony fish have common ancestors. their fins develop from similar structures and usually have a prescribed number of bones. because of this, the large rudder-like dorsal fin of a sailfish, the poisonous dorsal fin of a catfish, and the tiny reduced dorsal fin of a puffer fish are said to be structures.
a) vestigial
b) analagous
c) homologous
d) evolutionary

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