19.05.2021 • 

This assignment will be based on information from this lesson and the previous lesson. It has several parts for you to complete: Part 1:

Design a database of endangered and extinct species. This could be a table or a
spreadsheet with the following categories of information: species name, classification (e.g., mammal, reptile, amphibian, insect, etc.), habitat (rainforest, ocean, etc.), cause of endangerment or extinction.

Use the IUCN Red List for information or the Bagheera website. Include at least 10 species in your database. Save your database file for submission to your teacher. You may select from the following:

1. black lemur
2. black rhino
3. black footed ferret
4. dwarf crocodile
5. elephant
6. Florida manatee
7. giant otter
8. grey whale
9. hyacinth macaw
10. komodo dragon
11. leatherback sea turtle

Part 2:

Make a bar graph that plots number of species as a function of cause of endangerment.

Part 3:

Brainstorm some ways that we can decrease the illegal trade and hunting of endangered wildlife. Write a script for a 60-second commercial to help persuade hunters and fishers to take wildlife responsibly. In your commercial, inform they why illegal hunting or overfishing can harm an ecosystem and tell them about laws that deal with this issue.

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