22.04.2020 • 

Used around the world, magnets are important tools with a variety of uses. Transportation is one important use for magnets, like
on the maglev train shown in the picture. Unlike most trains equipped with wheels and axles, these trains use magnetic fields to
transport people at speeds of up to 600 miles per hour! While standard trains rest on the tracks beneath them, maglev trains
Levitate, or hover, above rails, without touching them. Based on properties of magnets, which best explains how a maglev train is
able to move so quickly while "floating above its tracks?
Magnets push air particles away, so magnets on the train and on the rails
push air against each other.
Maglev trains have extremely powerful magnets, greatly decreasing the
force of gravity and allowing them to float
The magnetic poles on both the bottom of the train and the top of the rails
are similar, so they repel one another
Magnets at both ends of the track have opposite poles of magnets
attached to the front and back ends of the train.

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