06.12.2021 • 

Which statement best describes the process of crossing over? A student is completing a Punnett square for a trait (X/x) that is autosomal and inherited by the dominant allele. The father does not have it (xx), but the mother does (Xx). If they had two children, a son and a daughter, what would the completed Punnett square look like (i.e., would the son have the trait, would the daughter have the trait)?

Which cell replicates via meiosis?

Horses have three basic coat colors: red (or chestnut), bay, and black. All the colors are controlled by the interaction of two genes, Extension (E) and Agouti (A). The following combinations produce bay color: EE/Aa, Ee/Aa, EE/AA, Ee/AA. Only two produce black color: EE/aa, Ea/aa. Other combinations of the alleles of these genes plus mutations of others result in many possible coat colors and patterns in horses.

This is the original strand of DNA: ATG AAG TTT GGC TAA
Which option would represent a frameshift mutation due to deletion during replication?

How are genotypes and phenotypes related?

Do mutations in body cells contribute to genetic variation?

A garden contains 40 flowers, 30 of which are red. What is the frequency of red flowers?

A tall pea plant results from a dominant tall allele while the short phenotype results from two recessive alleles. What is the frequency of short offspring (pp) when a tall pea plant with one tall allele (Pp) is cross-pollinated with a short pea plant (pp)?

In a moth population, 47 are brown, 15 are yellow, and 34 are black. What is the approximate probability of a moth being black? (Round your answer.)

What is the term used to describe any living or nonliving things that influence another living organism?

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