27.04.2021 • 

(Will give 50 total points!) 1.Why does menstruation begin?
2.How long does the menstrual cycle usually last?
3.How do you know when the first day of the menstrual cycle is? What happens?
4.What is the function of FSH?
5.What are the small sacs in an ovary that contain a developing egg cell?
6.When does a woman run out of eggs? (No longer able to conceive) What is this point 7.in a woman's life called?
8.What is the name of the lining of the uterus?
9.What does estrogen do to the lining of the uterus?
10.What hormone is released due to the rising level of estrogen in the bloodstream?
11.What is the process by which the egg is released called?
12.When does ovulation occur? (At what point in the cycle?)
13.What is the maximum life of a sperm?
14.What hormone prevents the release of another egg?
15.What happens to hormone levels if a woman becomes pregnant?
16.Why does menstruation begin?
17.How long does the menstrual cycle usually last?
18.How do you know when the first day of the menstrual cycle is? What happens?
19.What is the function of FSH?
20.What are the small sacs in an ovary that contain a developing egg cell?
21.When does a woman run out of eggs? (No longer able to conceive) What is this point in a woman's life called?
22.What is the name of the lining of the uterus?
23.What does estrogen do to the lining of the uterus?
24.What hormone is released due to the rising level of estrogen in the bloodstream?
25.What is the process by which the egg is released called?
26.When does ovulation occur? (At what point in the cycle?)
27.What is the maximum life of a sperm?
28What hormone prevents the release of another egg?
29.What happens to hormone levels if a woman becomes pregnant?

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