19.09.2020 • 

Write a summary paragraph for each part discussing this experiment and the results. Use the following questions and topics to help guide the content of your paragraph. Summarize your results. According to your data, was your hypothesis correct? (Be sure to refer to your data when answering this question.) If the hypothesis was not correct, what do the results of the lab indicate the correct answer is? Summarize any difficulties or problems you had in performing the experiment that might have affected the results. Describe how you might change the procedure to avoid these problems. Describe how the results might be applied in the real world. What was your hypothesis? According to your data, do you think your hypothesis was correct? (Be sure to refer to your data when answering this question.) Summarize any difficulties or problems you had in performing the experiment that might have affected the results. Describe how you might change the procedure to avoid these problems. Be sure to submit your data along with your paragraph.

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