01.03.2020 • 

You have been assigned to care for Jim. He is 29 years old and has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Jim has been prescribed chlorpromazine [Thorazine]. He lives with his parents. You have been asked to talk with Jim's family. His parents have questions about the side effects of chlorpromazine. While Jim is in a group session, you meet with his parents. 1. The mother asks what Jim's physician mean when they say chlorpromazine causes extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). She says that if these symptoms create problems, she wants to know what can be done to help the situation. How should you answer her questions?. (2). Jim's father asks about the long-term effects of taking antipsychotic drugs. He states, "I read that the extrapyramidal symptoms only gets worse. How can they get worse than the ones you talked about? With all the research going on, what can be done to help this?". What is your response. Jim's mother states that she is concerned. "I understand that Jim will need to take the medication for the rest of his life. How am I ever going to get him to take these pills if the side effects are so bad?. "What is your response.

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