05.05.2020 • 

Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito in wet tropical regions. These mosquitoes can use natural locations or habitats and
artificial containers with water to lay their eggs. They lay eggs during the day in water containing organic material (e.g., decaying leaves, algae, etc.) in containers with
wide openings.
If a pregnant mother is bitten by an infected mosquito, she can pass the virus to her baby. If this occurs, the baby can have severe brain damage. However, most people
who get the virus do not get sick.
Preventative measures are:
• Use insect repellent
• Wear clothes that cover your arms, legs, and feet
• Stay in places that have air conditioning or that use window and door screens
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Which of the following statements best describes the possibility of contracting Zika?
A.Environmental factors can contribute to the number of infected mosquitoes, therefore increasing the risk of infection.
B.Preventative measures keep insects from becoming infected, therefore, decreasing the transmission of the virus to people.
C.Newborn babies in non-tropical areas are more likely to be bitten by ZIKA infected mosquitos.
D.Zika virus can cause widespread illness if mosquitos are not contained in a warm dry space.

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