09.09.2020 • 

1. Buy Nothing Day (BND) is an international day of protest consumerism observed by social activists. BND was founded by Vancouver artist Ted Dave and promoted by Ad busters, an anti-consumerism organization. In the United States, BND is celebrated on "Black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving, which is the unofficial kickoff to the holiday shopping season and often the busiest shopping day of the year. Buy Nothing Day is officially defined as "a 24-bour moratorium on consumer spending, designed to remind both the consumer and the retailer of the true power of the buying public. It is an exercise in financial self-control. It is reclamation of consumer control of the marketplace. It is a gesture of protest for those of us who feel, all too often, as if our lives and dreams have been marketed back to us. Participate by not participating." As a member of the buying public, would you be interested in participating in this? Do you think BND is effective in achieving its goal as stated above? Discuss.

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