22.02.2021 • 

Alexandra, a young entrepreneur, received an e-mail from her close college friend, Nicholas, that a relative had died and Nicholas had inherited some money. Nicholas wanted to contribute $50,000 in financing to help Alexandra launch her business. Because Nicholas had always come through for her in the past, she proceeded that day to acquire a lease on office space and purchased desperately needed equipment. She also hired an assistant. All total, she spent $40,000, keeping $10,000 in reserve. She then sent Nicholas an e-mail thanking him for his gracious offer and expressing how much she needed the money. She detailed all of her expenditures and expressed that she could have never progressed so quickly without his help. However, the money never arrived because Nicholas sent her the e-mail as revenge for taking his idea for a business. There never was $50,000. Required:
Was there a contract?

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