03.06.2021 • 

Below are five explanations for differences in compensation: winner-take-all (WTA), human capital (HC), occupational crowding (OC). location and lifestyle (LL), and efficiency wages (EW). Sort each scenario into the correct explanation.
1. The average base pay for a UPS driver is $27.83 an hour, whereas the average base pay for a FedEx driver is $22.83 per hour.
2. An attractive waitress earns more tips than do others.
3. An engineer working on an offshore oil- drilling rig earns $100,000.
4. An engineer working at an onshore oil drilling location earns $70,000 Nick Saban, the head coach of the University of
5. Alabama football team, earns a salary of $8.3 million.
6. The head coach at Georgia State University earns just over $500,000

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