24.03.2021 • 

Categories of expenditures Alex and Becky Fogarty live in Swarthmore, PA. Their son, Clancy, owns his own plumbing business. For each of the following transactions that occur in their lives, identify whether it is included in the calculation of U.S. GDP as part of consumption (C), investment (I), government purchases (G), exports (X), or imports (M).
Transaction C I G X M
Alex buys a sweater made in Guatemala.
The state of Pennsylvania repaves highway
PA 320, which goes through the center of Swarthmore.
Clancy buys a new set of tools to use in his plumbing
Becky gets a new video camera made in the United States.
Alex's employer assigns him to provide consulting services
to an Australian firm that's opening a manufacturing facility
in China.

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