11.02.2020 • 

College chums Hannah Baltzan and Tyler Phillips are working on opening a third espresso drive-through stand in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, called Brewed Awakening. Their original drive-through stand, Jitters, and their second espresso stand, Bean Scene, have done well in their current locations in Englewood, Colorado, five miles away. Since Hannah and Tyler want to start with low overhead, they need assistance analyzing the data from the past year on the different types of coffee and amounts that they sold from both stands. Hannah and Tyler would like a recommendation of the four top sellers to start offering when Brewed Awakening opens. Although Hannah loves to look at spreadsheets Tyler really like graphs, so please also create a PivotChart for him to better understand your recommendation. They have provided you with the data file T3_JittersCoffee_Data.xls for you to perform the analysis that will support your recommendation. Please make sure you are clear in your explanations to Hannah and Tyler.

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