25.12.2019 • 

Firms use many different pricing tactics to try to improve their market share. some are perfectly legitimate and can be considered fair pricing practices, whereas others are deceptive or even illegal. prices tend to fluctuate naturally and respond to varying market conditions. although we rarely see firms attempting to control the market in terms of product quality or advertising, they often engage in pricing practices that can unfairly reduce competition or harm consumers directly through fraud and deception. a host of laws and regulations at both the federal and state levels attempts to prevent unfair pricing practices, but some are poorly enforced, and others are difficult to prove. this activity is important because understanding deceptive and illegal pricing can you detect and avoid it. the goal of this activity is to review the types of practices associated with illegal and unethical pricing strategies. read the description of each type of illegal or unethical price strategy. match the pricing strategies to the corresponding descriptions.

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