20.06.2023 • 
Health and Medicine

Effective Ways to Treat Colic in Infants


We all know that a newborn is a bundle of joy, but when they start experiencing colic, it can be frustrating and challenging for parents, especially new ones. Colic is characterized by excessive and persistent crying, fussiness, and irritability in infants. It usually starts at around two to three weeks of age and can last up to four months. If your baby is experiencing colic, don't worry. In this article, we will explore some effective ways to treat colic in infants.

The Causes of Colic

There is no single cause of colic. However, some factors that can contribute to colic may include:

Immature Digestive System

The digestive system of a newborn baby is still developing, and it can take some time for it to become fully functional. This can lead to digestive problems, such as colic.

Oversensitivity to Stimuli

Newborns are highly sensitive to external stimuli such as noise, light, and touch. They can become overwhelmed by too much stimulation resulting in colic.

Negative Emotional States

Colic can be a manifestation of emotional disturbance in a baby, particularly negative emotional states like stress, anxiety, or depression.

Effective Ways to Treat Colic in Infants

There are various ways to treat colic in infants, some of which include:

Burping the Baby

Burping your baby helps to relieve gas and prevent colic. After feeding your baby, hold them in an upright position and gently pat their back until they burp.

Try Some Tummy Time

Tummy time can help your baby to relieve pressure on the stomach and reduce colic symptoms. Place your baby on their tummy for a few minutes every day to help.

Use a Pacifier

Using a pacifier can help to soothe your baby and prevent them from crying. Make sure the pacifier is clean and properly-sized to avoid choking.

Change the Baby's Diet

If you are breastfeeding, try eliminating foods that may be causing digestive problems in your baby, such as dairy. If you are formula feeding, consider switching to a different brand.


  1. Can colic be prevented?
  2. No, colic cannot be prevented. However, there are steps you can take to alleviate the symptoms when they occur.
  3. How long does colic last?
  4. Colic usually starts at around two to three weeks of age and can last up to four months.
  5. Can colic harm my baby?
  6. No, colic cannot harm your baby. It is a common condition that many infants go through.
  7. How often should I burp my baby?
  8. You should burp your baby after every feeding session to help relieve gas and prevent colic.
  9. When should I seek medical attention for my colicky baby?
  10. If your baby is not gaining weight, has a fever, or is experiencing other symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately.


Colic can be challenging for parents, but with the right information and treatment methods, it can be managed effectively. Remember that every baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another. It's crucial to be patient and persistent until you find the treatment that works best for your baby.

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