27.03.2020 • 

Founder of Freestyle Audio, Lance Fried, had a friend who dropped an iPod in a cooler and rendered it useless. Lance thought he saw a potential opportunity, so he researched the mp3 player market and realized there was not a waterproof player. Based on this research, Lance Fried realized surfers could not listen to music while surfing. Realizing the potential of this target market, Lance began working on a waterproof MP3 player and completed a lightweight prototype. Lance has completed the first four of the nine steps involved in the marketing process. This exercise focuses on the last five steps in the marketing process. The Marketing Process includes: Finding opportunities, conducting research, identifying a target market, designing a product, product testing, determining a brand name, designing a package, setting a price, selecting a distribution system, designing a promotional campaign, and building relationships with customers. Managing the controllable parts of this process means (a) designing a want-satisfying product, (b) setting a price for the product, (c) putting the product in a place where people will buy it, and (d) promoting the product. These four factors are called the Marketing Mix because businesses blend them together in a well-designed marketing program.

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