19.03.2021 • 

Froggatt Enterprises,a premier educational products company, experiences ups and downs in demand each year corresponding to major school holidays. The company maintains a steady workforce and uses overtime, inventory, and subcontracting to absorb fluctuations in demand. Expected demand, available capacities, and costs for the next four quarters are given below. There is no beginning inventory. Design a production plan that will satisfy demand at minimum cost. Period Demand Regular Capacity Overtime Capacity Subcontracting Capacity
1 600 1000 500 500
2 2100 1000 500 500
3 800 1000 500 500
4 1800 1000 500 500

Regular production cost per unit $8
Overtime production cost per unit $10
Subcontracting cost per unit $12
Inventory holding cost per unit per period $1

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