06.12.2019 • 

Identify the definition for each term from the following list. 1. payoff-matrix format 2. game-tree format. 3. a junction on a game tree. 4. one of the final outcomes of a game tree. 5. divides the overall game tree into nested subgames before working backward from right to left. 6. a mini-game within the overall game. 7. the process of backward induction that relies on both firms having perfect information about the decisions made in each subgame. 8. a statement of coercion that is not believable by the threatened firm 9. a statement of coercion (a threat! ) that is believable by the other firm 10. allows a firm to preempt major rivals, or greatly slow their entry into an industry. 11. both rivals see their current strategy as optimal given the other firm's strategic choice. instructions: enter a numeric response corresponding to a definition listed above using an integer. a. strategic form: b. credible threat c. subgame:

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