08.07.2021 • 

In any event, enter Kay Zufall in 1954, the unsung hero of Play-Doh history and the sister-in-law to Joe McVicker. Kay was running a nursery school and needed cheap materials to have her kids make Christmas decorations. In the process of searching for said cheap decoration materials, she read in a magazine that you could use wallpaper cleaner for this task. Knowing the trouble her brother-in-law’s company was in, she went out and bought a bunch of Kutol’s wallpaper cleaner, to see if it would work for this application. After not only observing that it worked, but that the kids had a blast playing with it, she called Joe and told him they needed to make their now obsolete wallpaper cleaner into a toy. Joe took a look at the Christmas ornaments made by the kids and agreed it was a great idea. To facilitate this, they simply removed the detergent from the dough and added an almond scent and some coloring. (It was originally white.) Joe decided to re-christen the compound which would now be a toy: “Kutol’s Rainbow Modeling Compound”. Enter Kay Zufall to once again save the day, assuring him that this was a horrible name for their product. She and her husband, Bob, then set about trying to think up a better one. In the course of their discussions, Kay came up with “Play-Doh”, which they both loved and suggested the name to Joe, who also liked it.

from description above, answer the following questions:

Q1. From the above description, What was actually the Product Concept which gives birth to "Play Doh"
Q2. Do you think company is formally executing New Product development process, or not? Give valid justifications?

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