03.03.2020 • 

Intel Corporation
Income Statement ($ millions)
Dec-16 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-13 Dec-12
Sales 59387 55355 55870 52708 53341
Cost of Goods Sold-
(COGS) incl. D&A 23425 20651 20522 21418 20507
Gross Income ? ? ? ? ?
SG&A Expense 21149 19835 19693 18729 18117
(Operating Income) 14813 14869 15655 12561 14717
Income - Net 533 -51 224 595 463
Interest Expense 733 337 192 244 90
Unusual Expense - Net 1677 269 -114 301 217
Pretax Income ? ? ? ? ?
Income Taxes ? ? ? ? ?
Net Income 10316 11420 11704 9620 11005

(a) Create the required formulas to calculate the missing variables, and format the results to match the other numbers.
(b) Calculate the average tax rate, the gross profit margin, and the net profit margin for 2012-2016. Format the results as percentages with two decimal places.
(c) Create a line chart showing the gross profit margin and the net profit margin for 2012-2016. Make sure to title the chart and label the axes.
(d) Create a copy of the income statement and replace each item with a formula that shows it as a percentage of sales. You should only use one formula that can be copied and pasted to the rest of the income statement.

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