16.12.2019 • 

Large lot sizes to save on setup costs and to gain quantity discounts c) long-term contracts d) few suppliers e) buyer supplier to meet the quality requirements 7) which one of the following is a concern expressed by suppli a) having too many customers b) delivery to the point of use q) having limited ability to respond to changes in product and quality d) large lot sizes (0 e) customers' infrequent engineering changes 8) which of the following is an aspect of environmental risk in supply-chain management? a) political issues b) management metrics c) secure financial transactions d) raw material availability e) all of the above are environmental risks. 9) in supply-chain management, ethical issues a) are particularly important because of the enormous opportunities for abuse b) may be guided by company rules and codes of conduct c) become more complex the more global is the supply chain d) may be guided by the principles and standards of the institute for supply management e) all of the above are true.

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