18.03.2021 • 

Look at the Poka Yoke powerpoint in Week 6 and understand the two types of Poka Yokes. Now apply them to the following situation: Suppose there are two roommates, Ronald and Jim. Ronald does the grocery shopping for the two of them. Jim is frustrated because Ronald continually makes two mistakes: (1) Forgets to buy things they need and (2) Goes over the agreed-upon spending limit of $120/week.Suppose that Jim has decided to apply the following idea: Ronald is only allowed to take $120-$130 in cash and has no other ways to pay. How does this fit Poka-Yoke logic? Give an example/comparison from my powerpoint.Come up with a different type of Poka Yoke that could help Ronald with his mistakes, and describe for 4-6 sentences. You can assume that Jim would have apps on his phone/notes etc that could be used to keep track of things. Hint, you should use both types of Poka Yokes to fix this problem.

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