28.05.2021 • 

On January 1, Charlie(he/him), a collector of rare Greek vases, entered into a written and signed contract to purchase a vase from the Ancient Antiquities Company (Ancient) for $5,000, based on the written representation by Ancient that the vase had been found on the Greek island of Mykonos and was 1,500 years old. The vase was delivered to Charlie on January 15 and Charlie paid Ancient $5000 on February 15. Charlie immediately had a carpenter build a special cabinet to display the vase. Next, he increased the insurance coverage and now pays an additional $500 in insurance premiums so that the insurance policy covers the newly purchased vase. On March 1, Charlie had the vase appraised by an antiquities expert and discovered that the vase was not an antique and not 1500 years old, but that Ancient had manufactured the vase at a cost of $400. Charlie thought about this situation for a day and then sought to return the vase to Ancient and demanded his money back.What claim, if any, does Charlie have any against Ancient? If there is a claim, what are the elements of that claim, and what equitable and/or legal remedies can Charlie seek?Assume Charlie decides to keep the vase. Does he have any claims against Ancient?

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