18.07.2020 • 

OP Technologies Manufacturing manufactures small parts and uses an activity-based costing system. Activity
Est. Indirect Activity
Costs Allocation base
Cost allocation rate

Materials $83,000 Material moves $5.00/move
Assembling $249,000 Direct labor hours $12.00/dir. labor hour
Packaging $70,000 # of finished units $1.00/finished unitThe following parts were produced in October with the following information:
Part # Produced Materials Costs # Moves Dir. Labor Hrs.
A 2450 $2800 700 250
B 2000 $5500 2000 225
C 4750 $9000 2500 1500Total manufacturing costs for part C is
Selected Incorrect

Answers: Correct
A. $44,250

B. $39,500

C. $30,500

D. $35,250

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