04.06.2021 • 

Please help with this Your Assignment, Part I

For this assignment, click the Occupations Table link that appears below the link for this worksheet. View the table and answer the following questions below. This table presents statistical data and projections of job openings over a ten year period from 2012 – 2022.

1. View the list of occupations that have the largest projected number of job openings according to regional growth and replacement needs. Analyze and briefly summarize which occupations seemingly have the most projected growth, focusing on those that are business related. (10 points)

2. What trends do you notice with the projected growth list? Take note of the median salary and the educational requirements in that field. (10 points)

3. Identify three jobs that have the highest percentage of expected growth in the next few years. Are any of these jobs within your area of interest and do they align with your educational goals? Discuss why or why not and how you might adjust your goals to better match the expected growth predictions. (10 points)

4. Consider the projected growth of the business occupations. Discuss how these occupations are relevant today and also discuss how relevant they are projected to be in the coming decade. (10 points)

Your Assignment, Part II

For this part of the assignment, open the link for the Occupational Outlook Handbook here: On the Home Page you should view the left hand side and select occupations in the "Business and Financial Occupations" category. Answer the questions below.

Once you have migrated to the Business and Financial Occupations page, you will notice a list on the left hand side of various occupations. You will also see other categories such as job descriptions, educational requirements, and median (or average) pay.

1. Select a job title then click on the links to learn what that position does as well as the work environment. Briefly describe the roles and responsibilities for the position and what type of environment you would likely work in. Discuss whether this environment is aligned with a type of environment you could see yourself working in and why. (10 points)

2. Next, click on the tab for education requirements. What requirements does this position require? If the occupation requires only a high school diploma, are there any skills that might be helpful to have in preparation for that position? If a degree is required, which type of degree is recommended and are there any additional certifications that are typically required? (5 points)

3. How do these education requirements align with your own personal goals? Consider and discuss what steps you might have to take to prepare for such a career. (10 points)

Your Assignment, Part III

Now that you have had some practice examining various business positions, let's investigate and analyze some other career path options. For this assignment you will be asked to research and explore job opportunities via the Internet, answering various questions about specific jobs.

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Your Assignment, Part IFor this assignment, click the Occupations Table lin

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