09.05.2021 • 

Read the case below and address the questions attached Betty has finally returned to her job as an accountant at Blue Chip Enterprises, a small family
run hardware supplies chain, after a five-year extended maternity break. She has returned at an
important time in the fiscal year: tax season. As she reviews the books for the period she was
gone, she notices little anomalies which suggest that Blue Chip has been reporting much less
income than they have actually made in the last two years.
Troubled by this, Betty approaches the company owner, Mr.Asamoah, who comes clean and explains that he has been altering the books because of a personal financial slump that he fell into
because of a gambling problem. Mr.Asamoah promises that from now on, now that Betty is back, he will no longer attempt to reduce his tax liability because he and the company are in a better
place now. However, he also makes clear to Betty that he cannot afford to pay the back taxes
and their penalties.
If Betty reports the fraud to the tax authorities, the company may close. If it comes out that she
did not report it, she will lose her license.

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